Fly Me to You (FMTY)
Any location further than 100 miles from Los Angeles by car is a FMTY. A 50% deposit is required for all FMTY options. This deposit covers the cost of my travel and hotel arrangements, and includes two complimentary video calls.
Option 1: 1. 5 hours, $4,000, $1,200 for each additional hour.
Option 2: 4 hours, $6,000, $1,000 for each additional hour.
Option 3: 8 hours, $9,000, $900 for each additional hour.
Option 3: 24 hours minimum, $15,000.
Please inquire about meetings longer than 24 hours.
We don’t have to dine together if you are unable to, but meals are still included and covered by you. I require my own accommodations and 8 hours of personal time (including sleep) for each 24 hour period. I will stay at a 4-5 star hotel. I am not comfortable staying at your private residence.
24 hours (minimum): $20,000. Please inquire about trips longer than 24 hours.​ More advance notice is needed if a Visa is required.
I understand that unexpected circumstances may arise requiring you to cancel or reschedule our date. However, as I have reserved the time just for us, turned down other opportunities, arranged my schedule accordingly and prepared myself for you, I have implemented a deposit policy for all dates outside of Los Angeles. A FMTY date can be rescheduled within 24 hours to meet within 2 weeks. An International FMTY date can be rescheduled within 24 hours to meet within 3 weeks. If for any reason I may have to cancel our date, your deposit will be refunded within 24 hours of cancellation. ​